Empowering developers to build document workflows in minutes. Build documents, forms, and electronic signing into your own app.

Explore our guides and examples to integrate Forsign.

"Operation Form" refers to the mechanism governing the types of forms an operation can encompass.

You can include items that will be gathered during the operation's signature process on a mandatory or optional basis. An access token is needed for every endpoint.

"Files" is the designated term used to describe the documents associated with an operation.

The initial step in creating an operation is to upload the document using the provided endpoint.

Every endpoint on this API, besides Authenticate, requires an access token.

This access token will provide information about the logged user required to ensure data reliability.

Operation is the term designated to describe the transaction of signing one or more documents by one or more participants.

To create an Operation, two endpoints are required. Every endpoint requires an access token.

"Attachments" is the specific term used for collecting members' personal documents during the signing process of an operation. Attachment creation takes place within the Create Operation endpoint.

An access token is necessary for every endpoint.

"Members" refers to the individuals subscribed to an operation. By using the provided endpoints, you can modify member information or adjust notification preferences.

An access token is essential for all endpoints.

A group is used to restrict the visibility of operations to group members only.

Users refer to individuals who utilize the system.

Through the following endpoints, you can invite new users or invite an existing platform user to link to your workspace. The number of invitations is controlled by the subscribed plan.

Profiles refer to the permissions granted to a user within Forsign, which determines the extent of their visibility and actions.

Users can create and manage custom profiles, but default profiles cannot be modified. Access levels are managed through a string array described in each relevant endpoint, allowing for flexible control over user permissions.

"Templates" refers to the concept of identical representations of operations. Its primary role is streamlining the creation of standard operations that demand minimal upkeep.

Within templates endpoints, you can perform actions such as Updating, Creating, Retrieving, and Deleting.



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